Master your health. Amplify your success.

Powered by proactive, preventative, and performance-driven medicine.

Achieve elite physical and mental fitness with a science-backed, personalized health system built for business owners.

As Seen In

Your relentless drive to win in business has come at the cost of your health, energy, fitness, and mental clarity.

You skip workouts to chase business goals.

You sacrifice sleep to meet demanding deadlines.

You miss meals to fit in more calls.

You constantly check email during downtime.

You struggle being present with your family after work.

It does not have to be this way.

You're stuck in a cycle of sacrifice: neglecting your health for success.

If you’re like the business owners we help, you have what it takes to win. But when it comes to health, no matter what you try, it feels like a constant battle.

You’ve turned to one-off solutions created for all: confusing health gadgets, inflexible training programs, blood tests, fad diets, and generic supplements.

But none of it works, at least not for long. Those solutions require more will power, more time, and more mental effort without enduring transformation.

Step into ownership.

Achieve elite physical and mental fitness with a system built for leaders, like you.

You’ve already proven that your wired as a winner. So when it comes to your health, you need a personalized solution that’s designed to work with you not against you.

That’s where we come in. Our approach is grounded in data—biometric, cellular, and genetic—combined with expert coaching and AI-powered accountability.

Each and every recommendation we’ll provide is 100% personalized to what your body needs to thrive. And, they’re simple and sustainable with 1-to-1 support.

Win in business and in health.

An all-in mentality for an all-in-one solution.

Getting clear on what makes the greatest impacts on your fitness goals each week sets you up to win and produces compounding results.

With best-in-class coaching, cellular testing, supplementation, biometric data, and playbooks, you’ll be empowered to win big and take ownership of your:

Move from sacrifice to ownership.

A science-backed, personalized strategy that impacts everything.

OWN IT gives you everything you need in one place. Plus, your registered dietitian, strength and conditioning coach, mental performance coach, and medical team are all working together.

With everyone sharing the same goal of helping you thrive, your health becomes the foundation that enhances everything you care about—your family, your business, your passion for life.

No more excuses. If they did it, so can you.

Trusted by Hundreds of High-Achieving Business Owners

Meet OWN IT Founder, Justin R.

From a young age Justin Roethlingshoefer has always been self-motivated to improve, developing the discipline and work ethic necessary to excel. At 13 years old his father said “son, talent will get you noticed but consistency will get you paid” and that set up his quest of founding Own It.

Over the last 20+ years Justin has worked with Stanley Cup Champions, NHL MVPs, Super Bowl Champions, Olympians, 8, 9, and 10 figure entrepreneurs and fortune 500 companies. After completing his MS in Sport Performance and Human Biology, Justin sought out post graduate work in functional medicine. He has worked as a Performance Director in the NHL & NCAA, and founded a private camp for professional hockey players focusing on healing them from the inside out. He is an Amazon best selling author for his books: Intent, Blueprint, and the Own It Manual. They focused on peak performance, human optimization, and applying data and testing to create personalized blueprints.

Justin’s knack for making the complex simple is among the best in the performance industry. Nobody takes the latest research on nutrition, training, and recovery, and packages it into digestible, systematic and applicable steps.

Let's build a healthier, more successful you.

Join the network of hundreds of high-performing business owners who trust us to elevate their standard of health and success.

© AGJR16, Inc. d/b/a OWN IT COACHING, 2023 | All Rights Reserved
* Terms and Conditions Apply; Talk to a Wellbeing Consultant for details.