Your OWN IT Kit is on its way!
If it hasn’t been delivered, expect your OWN IT Kit to arrive in the next few days. We can’t wait for you to receive it!

That’s Exciting!
The package has everything you will need to help us gather high quality information on your body so we can begin your optimization journey from the inside out!
Be sure to refer to these videos for further details and instructions on everything coming inside and what testing you need to take care of once this package arrives at your door.
For detailed instructions on each testing kit
Refer to the articles below:
Main Testing
Preparation & Timing
- Sample collection must be performed by a phlebotomist.
- Book an appointment
- Please note our no-show fee policy. If you miss your appointment without prior notice, a fee will be charged. Thank you for understanding.
- For clients located in Canada, please click here.
- Preferably, get your blood drawn early in the week to avoid weekend delays.
- If you are taking anti-inflammatory medications or anti-rejection therapy, consult your healthcare provider regarding your medication usage prior to the test.
- Do not take any medications or supplements for 3-4 hours prior to your blood draw.
- If you get your blood drawn in the morning, take your medications and supplements after your blood draw.
Collection Instructions
- Bring the following items with you to your blood draw appointment.
- Test kit
- Completed test requisition form
- The phlebotomist will collect, prepare, and ship your sample for you.
- Note: Due to a nationwide supply chain issue, there is currently a shortage of blue top tubes. Because of this, your kits may contain green top tubes to be used in place of the blue top tubes.
- Green top tubes can be used for the ALCAT tests, Cellular Nutrition Assay, CICA genetic portion, Methyl Detox Profile, and Telomere Length test.
- For the phlebotomist: Green top tubes must be inverted 8 times before placing in the absorbent pouch or foam sleeve.
- *IMPORTANT NOTE*: Please have the phlebotomist check the requisition form and instructions to confirm how many tubes you will need to have drawn.
Add-on Testing
Preparation & Timing
- Fast for 12 hours prior to collection.
- Prepaid label included: Ship Monday-Thursday only.
- Include Frozen icepack.
- Sample collection must be performed by a phlebotomist.
- Book an appointment
Please note our no-show fee policy. If you miss your appointment without prior notice, a fee will be charged. Thank you for understanding. - For clients located in Canada, please click here.
- Book an appointment
Note: If you’re also getting tested for any of the other blood panels. You only need one appointment with a phlebotomist. They will collect your blood samples for all kits.
Collection Instructions
- Bring the following items with you to your blood draw appointment.
- Test kit
- Frozen ice packs
- Completed test requisition form
- The phlebotomist will collect, prepare, and ship your sample back to the lab.
- Tubes needed: SST x2 and Lavender Tube x1
- *IMPORTANT NOTE*: Please have the phlebotomist check the requisition form and the notes beside each ordered test to confirm the tubes that should be drawn.
Preparation & Timing
- You can collect your samples any day of the month if you are not taking hormones.
- If you are taking topical or oral hormones,
- Avoid applying topical hormones with your bare hands for at least two days prior to collection (use latex gloves, an applicator, or a hormone-loaded syringe).
- Take/apply any night dosage at least 12 hours before your planned morning collection.
- Avoid using hormones on the face, lips, and neck.
- Change sheets, pillowcases, and hand towels the night before collection.
- Avoid touching any surfaces which may be contaminated with hormones.
- If you are taking hormone patches, vaginal rings, hormone pellets, or hormone injectables, test halfway between doses.
- For example, 3 days after a once-a-week patch.
- Do NOT take this test if you are taking hormone troches or sublingual therapies.
- If you are taking steroids, talk to your healthcare practitioner about proper timing.
- For 3 days prior to collection,
- Avoid taking 7-Keto DHEA.
- Avoid anti-aging/anti-wrinkle facial creams.
- Do not eat, drink anything but water, or brush your teeth for at least 2 hours prior to collection.
- Collect your first saliva sample upon waking.
Collection Instructions
- Collect your saliva sample within 30 minutes of waking for the day.
- Use the large tube.
- Wash your hands with soap and water.
- Use a clean towel to dry your hands.
- Rinse your mouth with water.
- Wait 5 minutes before beginning collection.
- Allow saliva to pool in your mouth and then transfer it to the tube.
- Smelling food, yawning, or pressing the tip of your tongue against your teeth can help with saliva flow.
- Fill the tube at least half full, not including bubbles.
- Collection typically takes 15-30 minutes.
- When finished, cap the tube.
- Write your name and the date and time of collection on the tube.
- Place the tube back into the bag.
- Repeat steps 2-10 using the small tubes for each of the other three collections. Follow the schedule below.
- Do not eat, drink anything but water, or brush your teeth for at least 2 hours prior to Collection 2.
- Collection 2: before lunch
- Do not eat, drink anything but water, or brush your teeth for at least 2 hours prior to Collection 3.
- Collection 3: before dinner
- Do not eat, drink anything but water, or brush your teeth for at least 2 hours prior to Collection 4.
- Collection 4: before bed
- Place the sample tubes and completed test requisition form into the test kit box.
- Place the test kit box inside the provided, prepaid return envelope.
- *NOTE* If you make a mistake collecting your sample, rinse the collection tube out with hot water and no soap, shake out the remaining water, and let air dry. Re-collect at the appropriate time the next day.
- Instructions on how to fill out your requisition can be found HERE
IMPORTANT: Your testing kit requires activation. Please click here to follow the instructions on how to activate your kit. If this is not completed, the lab won’t be able to process your sample.
The GI Effects® Comprehensive Profile measures a variety of biomarkers in a patient’s stool to analyze digestive function, intestinal inflammation, and the intestinal microbiome.
Click here for more information
We've ordered your testing.
You’ll receive an email from OWN IT letting you know that your kit is on the way.
Once you've received your kit...
Be sure to bookmark this page to find instructions on each testing kit below.
Submit your samples.
Follow the instructions below to submit your samples, preferably within one or two weeks after receiving your kits.
When results are in...
Your OWN IT coach and Medical Advisor team will review your results and create a personalized coaching experience to Own Your #Different.
Need help?
Our success team is here to help you throughout the process, If at any point you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to email our VIP concierge at [email protected].