From Our Library

AVOID Knee Jerk Reactions
Knee jerk reactions are the death to us all. Not looking at the trends and understanding the data is why we constantly chase something that we never truly OWN. Here’s how….

Why She Seems Heartless (Your HRV is Different)
Okay that is actually a misleading title. Today we’re talking about why female HRV scores are on average lower than male HRV scores. This came up with a (competitive) couple we’re working with, and the female didn’t like that she couldn’t “beat” her partner’s HRV

Make Stress Your B**ch (Beach)
Often we try to control our stress by controlling the situation. We clench our fists and work to eliminate whatever is stressing us. Oftentimes that’s not the right approach. A lot of stress is simply out of our control, and seeking to control it is

How to Use Your Wearable to Never Get Sick Again
We all know the feeling. You wake up with your eyelids weirdly sticking together. Your head lightly throbs as you wake up, your throat scratches at is yearns for water. Dammit, you’re sick. The first thing you’ll want to do is sleep in, of course.

Track Something: The Simple Solution for Sustainable Progress
Why should we track something? And what do we mean by ‘something?’ By something, we mean anything. I know, we’re getting very abstract here. Usually when we talk about tracking, we’re thinking about the wearable devices like Whoop Bands and Apple watches (among others a part of

7 Ways to Improve Your Evening Workouts
“What time should I train” is an age-old question. While the morning and afternoons have their own benefits, everyone agrees that training at night is not ideal. Simply, training at night disrupts our circadian rhythm, and floods sympathetic hormones like cortisol and adrenaline when we